Fate, Free Will, and Mythology in Avengers: Infinity WarInfinity War is not just a superhero movie, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is no longer just a comic book franchise on film. For the...
The US's First Modern School Shooting Was In CarrieCan movies predict the future? Can art in general? Kurt Vonnegut thinks so, even coining the 'canary in the coal mine theory of the arts'...
How To Achieve Greatness, According To WhiplashWhiplash says some pretty strange things about achieving greatness, like the importance of giving yourself to the dark side and...
Saving Private Ryan is NOT an Anti-War FilmOn its surface, Saving Private Ryan is one of the most intense and unglamorous portrayals of war in history. But underneath this, Saving...
What The Hurt Locker Actually Says About the US, its Soldiers, and IraqBest Picture winner The Hurt Locker is a polarizing film, with soldiers criticizing its accuracy and authenticity while film folks laud...
Rogue One and Living Under the Totalitarian Imperial RegimeThe Star Wars trilogies are all about fighting totalitarianism, but other than main characters like Luke, Leia, and Han, the films never...
Nature Versus Desire in DriveWhat drives human behavior, our nature or our desires? This question affects many films, with the answer often dependent on the film's...
Die Hard, The Christmas Drama Masquerading as an Action FilmDie Hard is one of the best action movies ever made, but despite this, it really isn't an action film at all; it's a Christmas drama....
How 500 Days of Summer gets the Manic Pixie Dream Girl right500 Days of Summer is not a love story, and Summer is not a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, even though she is depicted as one in the film. The...
What The Social Network Is *Really* AboutWhat is so special about this Facebook movie? In this video we’ll look at the film’s deepest layers, beneath the creation of Facebook,...